Days of Summer at Wa-Thik-Ane: The Beginning

Hello summer camp followers. This year at Wa-Thik-Ane we changed the order of the camps up a bit.

We began our 2016 season with a Wee Camp; Sparks and their Mom or Grandma. Friday afternoon arrival at 3 p.m. created a first challenge for the drivers to arrive at camp with traffic heading up North. Challenge number two for the first batch to arrive was Mother Nature and her storm; these ladies arrived in style with thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Well, the people managed to stay dry under shelter and thanks to the majority of great packers most of the gear was dry. We had a few casualties of wet sleeping bags but that was easily fixed with a stock of dry ones for the night. Even though the fire pit was too wet for campfire on Friday night, from my office I was still able to hear the sound of sweet, little and mature voices singing those favorite camp songs from the circle in the marquees. They had the whole camp to themselves (aside from volunteer worker bees getting sites ready for the big arrival) and enjoyed touring the camp, sleeping under the stars, swimming and boating in the new rowboats.


The 2016 camp mooscot, photo by Sarah McCormack

Departure day for the Wee’s brought arrival day for the Brownie, Guide, Pathfinder and Ranger week long camps. Arrivals went smoothly and all the campers and leaders spent the afternoon settling in to their tents and getting to know each other. Campers that needed to came to waterfront to be swim tested and every camper passed either the swim or boat test (swimming with a life jacket) so all will be able to enjoy the waterfront. Supper brought us all together for a delicious BBQ of Hamburgers, veggies, chips, coleslaw and Potato salad. A huge thank you goes out to Jennifer, Elizabeth and Natalie, our food queens, for all the prep work for the BBQ and all the wonderful meals they get ready for us!



Pre and post morning dip, photos by Erin Pecknold

I look forward to tomorrow with a busy waterfront and lots of activities going on at the different campsites.

Super Eagle signing off,


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1 Response to Days of Summer at Wa-Thik-Ane: The Beginning

  1. Tina Chasse says:

    Thank you Super Eagle for the blog. Please keep them coming.

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