Wa-Thik-Ane Summer Camp Diaries – Week 1

The following is Part 1 of a weekly round-up of diary entries sent to us from the shores of Lac Bouchette at Québec’s provincial Girl Guide camp – Wa-Thik-Ane. (Follow the very latest updates on our Camp Wa-Thik-Ane Facebook page!)

Summer Camp 2014 – Opening Day, Week 1

I awoke to a quiet camp and the sound of raindrops on my tent. I thought – oh no, please not on opening day. Well, the camp spirits answered my call because by the time I showered and dressed, the sun was out and we had a beautiful day. We were treated to a wonderful breakfast by chefs Glenn Keeble and Elaine Keeble. Well deserved by all the hard working volunteers who are prepping for the start of camp.

Soon enough the parking was busy with bags being dropped off and parents kissing their daughters goodbye with wishes of a great week. Immediately the waterfront and sites were filled with squeals of laughter and shouts of encouragement for those doing their swim test.

After a busy afternoon, we officially opened camp with the raising of our Canadian flag and a delicious BBQ. The daylight began to close on the sites and campfire were burning for a last treat of marshmallows and songs. When stories and songs had ended, goodnight was said and so ended our first day of summer camp 2014.

– Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator

Summer Camp 2014 – Week 1, Day 2

WP_000422We awoke to an overcast day with raindrops falling. The weather forecast was gloomy with a chance of thunderstorms and high winds. Camp life continues, however, and girls were in the water for a 7:30 morning dip challenge and by 9:30 the Wee campers were off in their boats.

The rain showered here and there but we are happy to say nothing consistent and heavy. Boat lake swim went ahead for those that were up to the challenge and 20 girls both young and young at heart did the swim. Way to go ladies!

Camp WTA


The Wee campers also took a hike to the bluff in the afternoon and enjoyed the misty view. The day ended with sweet voices running through the campground to the melodies of Guiding songs at our Youngson central campfire site.

– Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator

Summer Camp 2014 – Week 1, Day 3

Today we said goodbye to our awesome Spark campers and their moms. These ladies certainly were good camp material, arriving for morning dip both mornings and smiling through sunshine and rain showers as they completed their planned activities. Their camp came to an end with a hike along the waterfront path to Mic Mac and cooking their own grilled cheese sandwiches on buddy burners.

As the Brownies arrived for the start of their camp so did the heavy rains, which made an exciting and challenging time to get them and their gear to their campsite dry. The Brownies pitched in transporting gear from vehicles and made it an easy challenge. The skies cleared for a short time so that all the new campers could complete their swim test and boat test.

WWWTA2014-Day3Part of camp life is collecting and returning your coolers of food each meal time, to and from Food Services. The wagons gain weight as they climb the hill and I hear the encouragement and complaints as the girls make their way uphill outside the office. Well done, girls!


Our new waterfront toy was installed and tried out by the older girls with the sound of laughter and squeals. Thank you Arnold family for your donation – it will be enjoyed.

– Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator


Summer Camp 2014 – Week 1, Regatta Day!

Regatta Day! The half way mark in our week long camp usually brings Regatta, our fabulous fun water activity day that our fantastic waterfront staff plan.

WP_000453WP_000446Yesterday the sky was overcast and the air cool. In the true Guiding spirit we decided to go ahead as planned unless it poured rain or thunder and lightning became part of the picture. Well, mother nature was on our side because after a few gentle showers at lunch, the sun began to peek out and the air warmed up.

Indeed it was the Guiding spirit that spread as the Brownies started the event with their Boat Swim Challenge in cool waters and then warmed up by the fire that Guides and Pathfinders pitched in to build with their leaders. Hot dogs were cooked in milk cartons and on sticks as we all enjoyed lunch together. The afternoon continued with lots of laughter and participation in the games.

WP_000442 One of the best things about Guiding and a provincial camp is watching girls of all ages learn from each other and make new friends which I watched unfold in abundance today.

As I made the evening garbage and recycling rounds I was entertained with a joyful round of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” by the Brownie site and “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” on the ukelele by a Pathfinder. Life is good at Wa-Thik-Ane.

WP_000460– Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator

Summer Camp 2014 – Week 1, Day 5

Thursday was a beautiful day, everyone was happy to see the sun. 🙂

The Pathfinders did the annual event of a sunrise hike to the bluff. I know that they all enjoyed the view and were tired from the 3:30 a.m. hike. Today their adventure is hiking into town to buy their dinner supplies!

The annual short lake swim took place and all who tried the swim completed it. Way to go girls!

We will say goodbye to our Brownies today after a fun filled and very busy three nights. They had the opportunity to do four camp challenges: sleep under the stars, camp tour, morning dip and short lake swim; which many of them completed.

Our weekend Wee Camp arrives today and we are excited to share the magic of Wa-Thik-Ane with them.

V__A1E0 – Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator

Summer Camp 2014 – End of Week 1

Wa-Thik-Ane’s gates have seen a lot of campers come and go over the last few days. Brownies packed up on Friday and ended their camp with some amazing weather for swimming and boating, filled by a picnic lunch. As the Brownies hiked to the parking lot to say their goodbyes, the Sparks arrived with their moms for two nights of Wee Camp.

The Guides had a special treat this year as they packed up their gear on Friday afternoon, leaving only with their bedrolls and a daypack with extra clothes for an overnight trip to Mic Mac. At Mic Mac they enjoyed a night with propane lanterns lighting their way through dinner and set up for a beautiful night’s sleep under the stars. Thank you, Guides, for moving off your site so the Wee could use it and thank you to all the amazing Guide Guiders who made my plan come true.

Saturday brought goodbyes to a lot of week-long campers, some of whom will be back this week. The Wee enjoyed an amazing day of boating, swimming and songs. Sunday brought heavy rain and the arrival of a new crop of campers! We smiled through our arrival with wet luggage, departed to our sites and enjoyed a delicious barbecue all together. The evening brought clearing skies. 🙂

I found this note for Wa-Thik-Ane on Friday from some wonderful Brownies and their amazing Guider moms that sums it up. It reads, “Dear Wa-Thik-Ane, you are amazing!!! I love this camp!” Wa-Thik-Ane looks forward to seeing you again, ladies. Bye for now.

WTA-mailbox– Joanne, Summer Camp Coordinator

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